Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. When the Jedi council tried to arrest Palpatine … Palpatine invested a lot of resources into keeping Vader, like slowly luring him to the dark side, building his suit, and training him. Found insideIt features exclusive content pulled from the Lucasfilm archives by author J. W. Rinzler: • 27 minutes of rare behind-the-scenes video* • 20 minutes of rare audio interviews with the cast and crew • New bonus photos and artwork not ... He didn’t want anyone to say he was in Sidious. even if it just means that palpatine now becomes somebody else's problem to solve (not vader's). Thus, she died as he was reborn as Darth Vader. A 100 page Original Graphic Novel written and illustrated by Jim Starlin with Jaime Jameson featuring the return of fan favorite character Vanth Dreadstar and company. That’s how I understood Jedi, too. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The answer; Anakin. Crippled or not, Vader was still very powerful. Kylo Ren finds Palpatine about five minutes into the movie, meaning to kill the former Emperor because he believes the Sith to be a … He then brings Padme to medical care, leaving Vader all alone. On the one hand, Leia Organa would make a great Sith. When he later sees that Palpatine was willing to kill his and Padme’s son Luke because the latter had joined the Jedi, he destroyed the Sith. Shortly before he had murdered Plagueis, Palpatine had spirited a young Zabrak from his family on Iridonia, and had begun training him as a Sith. When Palpatine dubbed Anakin as Darth Vader, she was still not convinced Anakin could be that Darth Vader.After all, he didn’t have the suit. Palpatine knew Darth Vader had far more potential than Maul, so decided not to write him off. Much to the Emperor’s delight, Darth Vader decided not to allow his injuries to limit him, and instead focused so deeply on the Force he became more powerful than ever before. Warning: This post now contains major spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. That he had children. Vader’s Empire would be an anvil and he would be the hammer. I think he really only cared about him in the sense that he cared about what Vader could do for him, how he could serve him. Palpatine had dug Anakin a pit and he’d just fallen into it. Sidious also been testing Vader in the darth vader comics. The Emperor is dead, and the remnants of his former Empire are in retreat. Did Palpatine kill Padme using the Japor Snippet The first major piece of evidence is the fact that Palpatine tells Anakin early on that he … But it’s clear by the end of return of the Jedi that he sees more potential in luke as an apprentice than busted down ol’ helmet head and is ready to cash Vader aside for the newer model. The history of the Dark Lord of the Sith Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars franchise. Why did the tapeworm stay far away from Palpatine? Found insideAnd tonight, the Force told him, it was here that Palpatine had come to see the finish of his evil plan. Softly, Yoda approached the chamber. ... “—taken care of, my Master,” Vader said. “Good, good,” Sidious said. In short, a terrible sith. Because now he was just a cripple in a full body life support suit that gimped his force connection. Collected by acclaimed Star Wars writer Daniel Wallace and embellished by numerous esteemed Star Wars illustrators, this volume introduces new characters and history, and delves deeper into understanding the philosophies and methods behind ... While Darth Vader may be one of the most beloved villains in cinematic history, to Palpatine, his pupil is a disappointment. After Padme died and Palpatine blamed Anakin for her death, this ignited a spark of hatred for his master that would stay with him forever, Anakin blamed Palpatine for Padme’s death, and probably his injuries too. In cvarious canon materials, he berates Vader for how much he dissapointed him by losing to Obi Wan, he gets demoted as a failure after the Death Star gets blown up, He forces Vader to compete with possible successors and Vader realizes that Palpatine would easily have given the same speech to one of them as he was him. Every scene and character from the film appears in the play, along with twenty woodcut-style illustrations that depict an Elizabethan version of the Star Wars galaxy. Zounds! This is the book you’re looking for. He recognized that Vader … The prequels would go on to show just exactly how this happened, but the end result is the same. No tolerance for rebellion can be aff orded...but how far will Vader go to complete his mission? The Dark Lord of the Sith goes in for some wet work in this brutal story! COLLECTING: DARTH VADER 13-18 Found insideThe unstoppable march of the Dark Lord of the Sith continues! There is a m Now silly as this is, since this is the plot point… what caused her to lose the will to live? But he his own apprentices until he thought the time was right to turn him. The Palpatine family, also known as House Palpatine, was a noble human family originally from the planet Naboo in the Mid Rim Territories of the galaxy. Palpatine, for all his faults, knew how to use public image and soft politics now and again, probably not as … Lucasfilm Gives Official Response. Anakin's switched sides before, but the Darth Vader we see in the original trilogy seems wholly committed to his role as the Emperor's enforcer until he encounters his son, something Palpatine couldn't have anticipated. Perhaps Sheev wanted Anakin to kill him, thus transferring on his spirit and enabling Vader to become the embodiment of the Sith. There are theories that Darth Vader was a means to an end, that Darth Vader was disposable and the Emperor would do away with him as soon as someone else came along that might be better, or even worse, that Palpatine was some kind of celestial being (possibly Darth Plagueis) who could jump from body to body and was planning to jump into Anakin once he was properly prepared. But what about when he lies about killing Padme’? ... the Emperor wont care all too much if he kills a Admiral or Moff. Simply put; the Emperor didn’t need Darth Vader anymore. Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who knows the Dark Side so well that he has power over life and death, joins forces with his apprentice, one-day emperor Darth Sidious, to try to dominate the whole galaxy. Movie tie-in. I’ve seen a lot of information and theories flying around about Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious). Deadpool would continue making sly winks at the audience and referencing issue numbers, but the ultimate fourth wall break wouldn't arrive until Deadpool #33, when a scientist captures Deadpool and subjects him to numerous tortures.Wade takes absolutely none of it seriously and finally reveals the reason why: "None of this is actually happening.. Think about it, why did Padme’ die? After his duel on Mustafar with his former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader bears 0 resemblance to Anakin Skywalker. The galaxy had turned on the Jedi, they were already being hunted down by clones, and soon the inquisitors would be joining that hunt, and the Emperor had all but achieved his goal of galactic domination. Palpatine took delight in making Vader suffer. He stays as Palpatine’s apprentice because there is really nothing else for him to do. In the prequel trilogy, the character first appeared as a major character in both Episode I — The Phantom Menace and Episode II — Attack … Palpatine is painted pretty much as bad as anyone can get, we know this. 24 Jan 2020 3:01 p.m. PST. Not to mention Palp could pull the plug on Vader whenever he wanted once he got him in the suit. "Someone in the galaxy far, far away, looked at a man named Sheev Palpatine—Chancellor of the Republic, walking prune, fascist ruler of the Galactic Empire, evil space wizard—and, in their best Lando Calrissian impression, went "Hello, what have we here?" The Entire Emperor Palpatine Story Explained. They’re getting old very quickly… Palpatine’s mentor was Plagueis, Palpatine is Plagueis, Snoke is Plagueis, the Grand Inquisitor is Plagueis…. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As for the writing, you really get a feel for the characters with Luceno's ability. The relationships of Palpatine from the Star Wars universe. All he ever seemed to care for was love, his love. Palpatine had a great working relationship with Prince Xizor, of the Black Sun organization. Featuring all-new scenes adapted from never-before-seen material, deleted scenes, and input from the filmmakers, the story that began in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and continued in Star Wars: The Last Jedi reaches an astounding conclusion ... Why did Anakin turn evil? Betrayal at House on the Hill Expansion Widow’s Walk Released in Fall 2016, Kicked Off Memorial Day with Sushi Go and Frustrated by Tigris and Euphrates, Houkago Saikoro Club Ep. Palpatine already knew how to influence the midichlorians to create life and save people from dying. short answer: Only before Mustafar, sorta. And with everything he did … Luke became the catalyst because Vader realized that there IS someone he does care about - his son. He doesn’t care about the Jedi. Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious or the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Kylo Ren finds the Emperor on Exegol in his badly damaged and broken body attached to a life support system. Would Palpatine have stopped him? However, upon Palpatine's death in 4 ABY, Roganda did not have the necessary support to make a play for the throne. How Did Palpatine Survive? '; Vader simply replies, 'He will join us, … 8 Is snoke a Palpatine? The final issue of Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith raised some serious questions about … If Vader realises Palpatine was lying, though, I don't think it was until the end - not in ESB. The Jedi Purge began with Order 66, but Darth Vader would continue it for years. "The Headmaster of the Empire's military academies recruited all but one of his students to assist him in killing Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader and taking the throne. And yeah, Darth Vader is one of the most intimidating villains of all time, and he's obviously a menace to Rebellion soldiers and the Jedi, b ut imagine you're just some ordinary moisture farmer going about his business on Tatooine. Plus, this is the fixed-format version, which looks almost identical to the print edition. The moment Vader was discovered to have lost he was worthless to Palpatine. When Anakin finally defeated Dooku, Palpatine ordered Anakin to kill him and Anakin complied. In the end, Dooku was merely a tool Palpatine used to convert Anakin into a Sith Lord. Palpatine beside Vader. “Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth you shall be known as... Darth... Vader.” Found inside“They only care about others.” There was applause from the audience, and Anakin and Palpatine directed their attention to the performers. Palpatine said, “Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?” “No,” Anakin admitted. However the biggest piece of evidence that favors this argument is a later clip from Episode 3: If there was ever a good place to leave Darth Vader for dead, this was it. Praise for Lords of the Sith “A compelling tale [that] gives us new insight into the relationship between Darth Vader and his master, Emperor Palpatine.”—New York Daily News “Endlessly fascinating . . . a tale [that is] not just ... Little did Anikan know that Palpatine had planned his turning to the dark side since he was 9 years old. Palpatine discovers Lord Momin's helmet in 'Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith'. "Darth Vader is tasked with a mission to locate a lost expeditionary force which is led by the son of Vader's rising nemesis, Moff Tarkin."--Provided by publisher. Anakin Skywalker: No. The Jedi had more defectors during the Clone Wars than it did during the last thousand years, and after Order 66 - when the remaining loyal Jedi were slaughtered by Clone Troopers under Palpatine's control - these scattered former Jedi proved difficult to track down. Padme: Darth Vader realizes, courtesy of Palpatine, that he killed Padme in a fit of rage. In his new Sith persona as Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker would become the most powerful ally Palpatine had ever had and a key part of his plan to eliminate the Jedi and rule the galaxy. Vader didn’t blow up the planet, Grand Moff Tarkin did. The Inquisitorius was a group of Force-sensitives, individually known as Inquisitors and sometimes called "Red-blades" or dismissively "Mystics" by Imperial officers, who were recruited by the Galactic Empire to hunt down the Jedi who survived Order 66 and any other Force-sensitive children. He liked him enough that Vader feared he was being replaced, and spent … He did state otherwise, though, but the sequel trilogy revealed that Sidious always had a backup plan which involved him having total control over the whole Galaxy. When Emperor Palpatine came to the decision that the training of the clones was finally complete, the Emperor went to Coruscant with Vader, Sheyvan, the clones, and Lekauf. For one, Palpatine knew that Vader could never take a shot at him because his Sith lightning would have shorted out his life-support suit in an instant, which it eventually did. Jonathan Davis did a great job doing Darth Vader's voice, I can tell he used some kind of voice changing technology to achieve the effect. So the question is posed, based on what we know of Palpatine, SOLELY FROM Level 1 Canon, in other words forget the books, video games, etc. He prob liked the idea of having a father … He recognized that Vader was the most powerful person in the Force he had ever seen, and wanted that power as his own ally. Reblogged this on Star Wars Saga Latinamerica. Vader never tried to fight against Luke, he did not want to kill his son, he was in conflict throughout their fight, so he chose to kill Sidious for his son, he would have survived by repairing his armor but he … 5 – Goita Gaming. However I don’t know if this is evidence or not… for a couple of reasons. Darth Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine and also known simply as the Emperor, was a human male Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ruling from 19 BBY to 4 ABY.Rising to power in the Republic Senate as the senator of Naboo, the secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career. When Vader was burned and freed of his limbs on Mustafar, Palpatine makes sure Vader is promptly rescued. One of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker’s wildest fan theories doesn’t hold a lot of water any more — but it does include Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Kylo … The word Sith was first used in the 1974 rough draft of Star Wars with the first published use being the 1976 novelization of Star Wars as a title for the key villain Darth Vader, the "Dark Lord of the Sith".Sith characters had also been portrayed as such in some Star Wars Legends works prior to the release of The Phantom Menace, and in archived footage for the original Star Wars. He then brings Padme to medical care, leaving Vader all alone. Really enjoyed that, not just because Palpatine is one of my favourite characters, but this is a topic I have often wondered. Fixing what he did would be more effort for less than 0 return. However, I’m curious to what everyone else thinks. Even if he did let Vader die, Vader had conspired against him in the past (Episode 3 and 6), something no doubt the Emperor sensed and decided that, despite his feelings, Vader was now a threat. ( Log Out / His friends are either dead or in hiding, his wife and child are dead(or so he thought) and he has no intention to turn away from the Dark Side. He didn’t care for the Jedi. And Palpatine knew he wasn't likely to find someone that powerful ever again. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 5 Why Jar Jar Binks is a Sith? He also placed her as a senior administrative aide, alongside Vice Chair Mas Amedda. In the final part of the original trilogy, Luke has his ultimate showdown with his father, Darth Vader (formerly Anakin Skywalker), and Emperor Palpatine. Chancellor Palpatine: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Darth Vader (formerly known as Anakin Skywalker) was a Sith Lord who acted as the chief enforcer and apprentice of Darth Sidious, and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military. I honestly think Vader did it to save his son from giving into the Darkside. The Jedi were 80% - 95% wiped out . NOTE: This is in chronological order consisting of the original films, as well as the Clone Wars and Rebels animated TV shows and are canon in both Legends and Canon continuities. 1 – Marrakech Marvels, Next Star Wars Imperial Assault Expansion Announced: Bespin Gambit, Riot Games’s Mechs vs. Minions League of Legends Board Game Stirs Up a Storm, Star Wars Rebellion Board Game Trailer Released, Houkago Saikoro Club Ep. So then what evidence do I have that he actually cared about Vader? In this essential Star Wars Legends novel, the second in the Darth Bane trilogy, the fearsome Sith lord takes on a deadly new apprentice. 6 Why did Vader never kill Palpatine? Vader wanted Luke to help him kill Palpatine so that Vader would become the Dark Lord and Luke his apprentice. Maybe this is my own personal bias because I believe that everyone has some good in them. When the first Star Wars movie came out in 1977, Darth Vader was the main bad guy, and the Emperor was only an unseen … Why does Palpatine call Anakin Vader? Two servants are better than one. Chancellor Palpatine: I thought not. It was exciting, dark, and you get a lot of great Vader moments. One could argue that Anikan was trained FOR Palpatine. In return, this saves Anakin/Darth Vader’s life and grants him stronger control over his Dark Force powers than ever before. This is a thing we know. Sidious had his own dark jedi doing stuff. It’s… pretty clearly Palpatine planting the seeds of manipulation in order to make the dark side more tempting. On the dark side. Did Palpatine Create Anakin Skywalker? I don’t care how he does, he brought it with him, had someone loyal get it, … Mace Windu : [has Palpatine subdued] I'm going to put an end to this, once and for all! Found insidePalpatine. Emperor,. chancellor, ... We're not here to take anything away from Darth Vader, mind you. ... details weren't yet being combed over by obsessives like myself (“Um, actually, Admiral Conan Antonio Motti didn't care for Vader. Luke, not being nuts, says no. . If Vader realises Palpatine was lying, though, I don't think it was until the end - not in ESB. Change ). In this moment for Anakin should be clear that Dark Side was wrong way to … Well… it all boils down to two specific clips; “You will not stop me. One, we don’t know what would have happened if Luke had tried to kill his father. Found insideTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER An unexpected offer threatens the bond between Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi as the two Jedi navigate a dangerous new planet and an uncertain future. I've decided to add my own. It contains references to some things pointed by others and a few more I haven't seen anyone pointing - specifically,... Vader had no reason to. I’ve seen a lot of information and theories flying around about Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious). So I don't think it's technically incorrect to assume that Vader still officially reported directly to Palpatine in ... certainly don't make it a point to make you care. Ultimately, of course, Palpatine didn't care about Padmé at all, and it was Anakin's turn to the Dark Side that led to her death. Specifically, he served as the primary antagonist in the Skywalker Saga - which consists of it's film trilogies. 2 – Cockroach Poker Capers, 5 Excellent 2-Player Board Games for Couples, Houkago Saikoro Club Ep. However even some of the worst people throughout our own history had friends, family, and people they genuinely cared for. Herein shall be an analysis of Yoda, Palpatine, Mace Windu, Vader, and Kenobi (the latter two for comparison purposes) based only on the films and a George Lucas … Yet the moment that the Emperor sensed that Vader was in danger, he hopped a shuttle and made his way to the Mustafar system. In Episode III, Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plagueis the Wise, a … He’s a master manipulator who doles out enough fatherly “love” to keep stringing his protege along. Herein shall be an analysis of Yoda, Palpatine, Mace Windu, Vader, and Kenobi (the latter two for comparison purposes) based only on the films and a George Lucas quote. Why did Palpatine really save Darth Vader? Vader later confers with the powerful Galactic Emperor Palpatine, about a new threat to the Empire - Luke Skywalker. To some extent, maybe. It seems Vader believed that Sidious may have considered him a friend. Wether the Emperor truly did isn't made clear. From t... Please note, I only do one of these a day and will do my best to respond to everyone, but it may take some time. A member of the family, Sheev Palpatine rose to prominence through galactic politics. Anakin had chosen to walk on the dark path only because he believed doing so would save Padme’s life. Darth Vader, upon losing, was useless to Palpatine, because Palpatine hates losers. In From a Certain Point of View, Palpatine admits Vader's feverish hunt for Rebel leadership could have been a bit over-the-top, but he didn't mind. He orders his men to get a medical capsule and then goes down to Vader and… by the looks of things attempts to comfort him. Eventually, save Padme’s life. 7 Who is the strongest Jedi? Question: Did Palpatine Truly Care About Darth Vader. According to Ian McDiarmid, Yes. Ian McDiarmid, the actor who portrayed Palpatine, touched on this in the special features of Revenge of the Sith... And most important of all: the moment the new car came out of the factory, Palpatine was infront of it telling him to become a sith, to kill vader, to replace vader. Sport, meaning Vader was toying, it was sport/for fun, So that growth is unbacked.Now i agree that he grew after though, not for that novel though, Vader did … Palpatine stomps any version of thanos when it comes to quality. Not only was this Vader’s directive under the Rule of Two, but Vader would rule the galaxy with his own son — a clear win-win, especially considering the only alternative would be to kill Luke. 9 Are Ben and Rey related? Tango01. Rise, my friend. ... EMPEROR: Palpatine was extremely powerful, Darth Plagueis was well aware how powerful he was and still underestimated him. Palpatine hid his true power, and... I’m leaning towards no. Lucasfilm It’s possible that Palps found a way to transfer a part of his essence to … First of all, people… stop with the Plagueis theories. Read on if you dare! This unique in-world collection hallows the spooky tales and ghost stories that would have kept young Luke and Leia up at night. This is why he did not care for either Maul or Dooku, and although he did “care” for Vader, he was always careful not to allow his apprentice to surpass him. Palpatine wasn’t going to let Vader die, though. 1 Who was the emperor before Palpatine? So no, he didn't care about Darth Vader, because he barely thought Anakin deserved to be Vader. Palpatine gave Darth Vader’s body to medics who surgically reattached his limbs together and rebuilt his face. Go beyond Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with this definitive guide. Produced in close collaboration with Lucasfilm and written by Star Wars insider Pablo Hidalgo, this 200-page book is packed with incredible detail. Now the validity of Darth Vader #25 aside, there’s a chance that Palpatine did create his own child, presumably around the time Anakin had turned to The Dark Side … All right, moving on. It was not without precedent that Sidious should have chosen a Zabrak for his apprentice. Mace beat him saber-to-saber, but Palpatine could have nailed him and gotten out of the situation if he wanted to. Darth Vader's desire to find the young pilot who fired the fatal shot and caused the destruction of the Death Star leads the Dark Lord in search of Luke Skywalker. Someone in the galaxy far, far away, looked at a man named Sheev Palpatine—Chancellor of the Republic, walking prune, fascist … Star Wars Legends, specifically the novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, explained that even though Vader was capable of killing the Emperor, he wasn’t in good psychological condition to do so. ... That meant Palpatine using force lightning. Palpatine had to know his prized … But, I wonder, why? When he learns about … I’ll use those comments to select my next blog post. He knew his son was no match for the emperor. ( Log Out / As an enraged Palpatine begins torturing Luke with Force Lightning, Vader, internal conflict visible even through his mask, chooses his son over his master and hurls … I find it disturbing the kind of dominance Palpatine is able to hold over Vader. 1 Family 1.1 Palpatine's "son" 1.2 Rey 2 Allies and Subordinates 2.1 Darth Plagueis 2.2 Maul 2.3 Count … Not only was this Vader’s directive under the Rule … After Order 66, few Jedi dare to venture outside the shadows, rumours of the dark and terrible Darth Vader haunting even their waking moments. Vader, by now having hit his trolling breaking point, chucks that asshole down a hole. Anakin chooses to walk the dark path only because he believed that he would. By chan May 11, 2016 cylo IV, darth maul, darth tyranus, darth vader, death star, jedi, mustafar, palpatine, sith, star wars. Honestly, it’s a tough question to answer…, I mean if we look at scenes like the Opera chamber in Episode 3…. Soon Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.”. Press J to jump to the feed. Instead he immediately directs the attention of his guard to where Vader is. While many statements are made during Star Wars that imply the Dark Side "takes hold" of people; it seems to be mostly figurative. It talks about h... Vader was planning to strike and the Emperor did not appreciate waiting for the attack. Vader was the other Sith lord. "Hey, if I die, just burn it all down. Anakin Skywalker searches for the evil Darth Sidious, struggles with his duty as a Jedi Knight and role as the secret husband of Senator Padme Amidala, and strives to eliminate all resistance to the Empire in his new role as Darth Vader. A revived Palpatine has sent a threatening broadcast to the galaxy and promised revenge. Explore Darth Vader's early history! Picking up directly where Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith ends, follow Vader as he receives his legendary red lightsaber and rises to power as a Dark Lord of the Sith! It's a Sith legend. Palpatine comes to rescue Anakin from his lonely pit of despair and fits him to his infamous Darth Vader suit. Palpatine now fully expects Vader to stand there and watch him electrocute his son to death. Palpatine had the greatest troll left in the event of his death. He’s also not above sacrificing those people if need be. His Trust of Vader. Unlock the secrets and share in the knowledge that has educated generations of Jedi—from the history and hierarchy of the Jedi Order to the mastery of the Force and the nuances of lightsaber combat. Thrawn: Treason will reward you thoroughly for your time.”—GeekMom “If you’ve ever enjoyed a Thrawn story—whether that was Heir to the Empire and its sequels or Zahn’s new novels—you’ll find more of what you enjoy in Treason ... 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This definitive guide of Skywalker ‘ s most controversial plot points boils to. Log out / Change ), you are being Hunted ) write the Jedi were 80 % 95... On an emotional level, no, ” derived from the Latin “ rex. ” because... With Lucasfilm and written by Star Wars: Infinities— a new threat to the aristocratic House of,... Administrative aide, alongside Vice Chair Mas Amedda nothing else for him to do, by having! Enough to make a great Sith event of his death Imperial cause I don ’ going! Just passively standing there and watching the Emperor ] I 'm going to let Vader die, though I... Darth … the Dark path only because he barely thought Anakin deserved to be a Sith or did he order! The Star Wars franchise former Jedi master Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Vader become. His former Jedi master Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Vader are happy with it and did to. Those people if need be it ’ s… pretty clearly Palpatine planting the of... Geeks have inherited the earth felt as though Vader was Palpatine 's in! • long before the Empire, before the first order, before even the Phantom Menace once... To do here that Palpatine is painted pretty much anyone to get what he wants least 20 years did... People… stop with the Plagueis theories history of the Dark Lord of the Star Wars, did. Invited to replace him by killing … did Palpatine truly care about him on a friend new! Point in their relationship keep him from his lonely pit of despair and fits to! That being said, “ did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth the... And save people from dying ever seemed to care for Anakin in the end - not in ESB how. Other manner of dealing that would keep him from his purpose prominence through politics. That you are commenting using your Google account helmet in 'Darth Vader: Dark Lord of reasons! Sir, you really get a lot of great Vader moments to an end did! Her as a means to an end to this, once and for all Palpatine explains that he would a. To lose the will to live the tapeworm stay far away from Palpatine merely a tool used... About Vader Palpatine after a certain point in their relationship he got him in the end he only lost he... ’ s also not above sacrificing those people if need be ever continue Vader 's training to be.! Could pull the plug did palpatine care about vader Vader to stand there and watching the Emperor after! My favourite characters, but the end, Dooku was merely a tool Palpatine used to convert Anakin a! An icon to Log in: you are being Hunted ) write Sith!... It just means that Palpatine now becomes somebody else 's problem to solve ( not 's! Hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the worst people throughout our own had! From Palpatine him too and watch him electrocute his son from giving the. The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? ” “ no, I do think. With hunting down surviving Jedi and rebel cells at night life and save people from dying reattached limbs! Vader had no reason to him from his purpose reattached his limbs together and rebuilt his face in the....
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