Found inside – Page 186(Fig. 11.11) (a) (b) Fig. 11.11. Cycas revoluta (a) Female plant, (b) Megasporophylls with ovules. ... The sporangium breaks open to shed the immature gametophytes, which are carried on the wind. ○ In the female cone each scale bears ... Angiosperms 110. 2. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. It germinates within the mega-sporangium (or ovule), and is never shed, but is … As in cycas there is heterospory so the development of male and female gametophytes takes place from microspores and … Each megasporophyll quite large in size, bearing 1-5 pairs of big ovules. 8 .48). Sporophytic life cycle of cycas: Plant body of cycas is sporophytic. As in cycas there is heterospory so the development of male and female gametophytes takes place from microspores and megaspores respectively. In Pinus, winged pollen grains are present. TOS4. A sharp nucellar beak and a pollen chamber. Found inside – Page 366The motile spermatozoids of cycads enter the archegonial chamber of the female gametophyte by expansion of the four neck cells of the archegonium (Norstog 1972). (A similar mechanism is reported for Ginkgo.) ... In cycas the lone prothallial … 23. Leaves large and compound with circinate vernation; leaf crown on the top of the plant. At the time of fertilization the embryo sac consists of a gametophyte having many food laden cells and 2-3 archegonia. 4. Usually a time interval of one year in between pollination and fertilization; fertilization occurs in the end of April; pollen tube reaches the neck of archegonium; the neck breaks and receives the contents from pollen tube; male nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus forming oospore. Sporophylls differ from foliage leaves, arranged in cones, i.e., male and female cones.. 15. 36. Found inside – Page iInterest in this unique plant has grown dramatically over the last 10 years, and this book provides an overview and recent findings concerning cell biology, biochemistry, development, morphology, phylogeny, paleobotany, as well as possible ... Female Gametophyte Development: The functional megaspore is the first cell of the female gametophyte. 8. Now the prothallial cell pushes into the stalk cell and presses it against the cell (Fig. 3. 25. Archegonia: The female sex organ of the lower plants and most gymnos-perms, including all cycads. Ø Vascular tissue consists of many vascular bundles arranged as a ring. Found inside – Page 944Cycas : Different stages in the development of female gametophyte. Male Gametophyte Definite polarity is seen in microspore (pollen) as its exine is thicker at the bottom. The pollen is filled with starch grains. Found inside – Page 60The gametophyte is reduced to two microscopic structures: y apollen grain – a tiny male gametophyte containing sperm. ... The small specialized roots, in Cycas called coralloid roots are associated with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. y ... Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ Consider the following statements regarding gymnosperms. It get enlarged and can be easily differentiated from the surrounding cells of the endosperm. 7) Presence of Multi-Cellular female gametophyte. 38. Secondary growth; the cambium ring is persistent and produces a continuous cylinder of secondary xylem; annual rings are formed. Privacy Policy3. The microspore (Fig. The ovule is the source of the megagametophyte and the progenitor of the seed. Each male cone is a shortly stalked compact, oval or conical woody structure. In this case, male cones create pollen (male gametophyte) and female cone create eggs. 92. Female gametophyte is retained whereas male gametophyte is transfer during pollination. The sporophyte is partly or wholly dependent on the gametophyte for nutritional purpose. A mature archegonium consists of two neck cells and an egg. Each megasporophyll or carpel is quite simple; each ovuliferous scale bears two ovules on its upper surface near the central axis. NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom. Found inside – Page 443Cycad sporophytes are either male or female (dioecious)—different individual mature plants bear reproductive ... its egg cell), meiosis results in megaspores that produce a haploid female gametophyte which produces haploid egg cells. 8.50). The exine breaks up and the intine comes out in the form of a pollen tube. Ultrastructure of ciliate sperms of some Cycadaceae has been studied by Norstog (1967, 1974, 1977, 1990). 10. Twists of the spiral bands are directed from left to right. Cycas. In Shagnum, male and female gametophyte are independent and free-living. Xylem consists of tracheids; companion cells absent from phloem; secondary xylem tracheids do not possess spiral thickenings. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Cell wall formation occur and multicellular female gametophyte or endosperm is formed. gymnosperms and angiosperms fucus . over 2500 nuclei in Pinus roxburghii). Answer Now and help others. (A) Ovule. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. 1. Q1. Found inside – Page 318The female gametophyte of the Cycas is represented by the ( a ) Nucellus 0 ( 6 ) Megasporangium ( c ) Microsporangium ( d ) Endosperm . 18. The predominant plant body of Riccia represent the ( a ) Rhizoid ( 6 ) Sporophytic generation ... Found inside – Page 28(Except Cycas). and gynoecium (equivalent to megasporophyll) or may be dioecious i.e. may bear either stamen or ... Can gymnosperm (i) Male you establish a phylogenetic relationship of Cycas gametophyte A distinct male with any other ... What provides these nutrients? An archegonium develops (Fig. 18. 4. On the other hand, certain cells of the nucellar beak are dissolved to form a drop of mucilage. The prothallial cell does not divide any further while the antheridial cell divides to form a generative cell near the prothallial cell and a large tube cell (Fig. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Wall formation starts after the formation of about 1000 nuclei. It consists of 2 stages. • The ovules are sessile and those of cycas are the largest in the plant kingdom. Therefore, they have independent free-living gametophyte.In this respect Pteridophyte are similar to bryophytes i.e they still have free-living . Archegonia are formed from archegonial initial cell which is present toward … Male Gametophyte Development (Before Pollination): Microspore is the first cell of the male gametophyte. The male gametophyte (pollen or microgametophyte) develops within the anther, whereas the female gametophyte (embryo sac or megagametophyte) is a product of the ovule. The female gametophyte grows at the expense of nucellar tissue but remains enclosed within its remains. 33. Ultrastructural and histochemical details are given wherever considered necessary. There is a comprehensive list of literature citations, and a plant index. This book is essentially meant for the postgraduate students in India and abroad. 1. Found inside – Page 147These are heterosporous , producing two types of spores - megaspores giving rise to female gametophyte and microspores forming male gametophyte , Cycas and Ephedra are dioecious , but Chamberlain ( 1935 ) reported a plant of C. revoluta ... Polysiphonia is a genus of red algae, where asexual spores and gametes are non-motile or non-flagellated. Female cone has a whorl of loosely arranged megasporophylls. Which one has the largest gametophyte (1991) (a) Cycas (b) angiosperm (c) Selaginella (d) moss. Content Guidelines 2. Reason: Its formation checks the growth of . 25. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. (C) The gymnosperms are heterosporous. The Marchantia plant (gametophyte) which develops from the haploid spores consists dorsoventrally differentiated thallus. What are the different conservation strategies of biodiversity. Cattle, sheep, dogs, swine, horses, goats are susceptible. Scale leaf of Cycas: In Cycas leaves are dimorphic i.e. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. The nucellus cells surrounding the endosperm are utilized during the endosperm development, and, therefore, an endosperm jacket or spongy tissue is formed. Share Your PDF File 6. Two to eight archegonia are formed in the female gametophyte of cycas. Cycas is formed by the free-nuclear divisions of megaspore. 1. Answer Now and help others. Cycas possess Coralloid roots. Ø The primary anatomical structure of Cycas tap-root resemble that of dicot root. They develop definite unisexual cones or strobili. The inner central cell enlarges in size and its nucleus divides into two nuclei, which represent the ventral canal nucleus and egg nucleus. Female gametophyte: Cycas-Has 3-6 archegonia. into root, stem and leaves. Found inside – Page 400Discussion CALDWELL ( 1 ) considered Microcycas the most primitive genus of cycads . ... The female gametophyte is quite similar to the female gametophytes of the other cýcads , except in the thickness of the megaspore membrane , and in ... Girdle traces present in the cortex of stem. Four potential embryos, but only one matures; common occurrence of-cleavage polyembryony. It is the characteristic feature, only in Pinus. of pollen. The female cone contains many microsporangia. 3-celled pollen are shed from the pollen sacs and pollinated by wind. 40. 93. cycas. Ø The T.S. Found inside – Page 50The microspores develop into a male gametophytic generation which is highly reduced and is confined to only a limited ... (Cycas). y The male gametophyte produces two male gametes and female gametophyte contains archegonia. y External ... Megasporophyll of Cycas: Megasporophylls are usually arranged in compact structures called female cones or female strobili. Found inside – Page 138These are heterosporous , producing two types of spores - megaspores giving rise to female gametophyte and microspores forming male gametophyte , Cycas and Ephedra are dioecious , but Chamberlain ( 1935 ) reported a plant of C. revoluta ... Gnetum resembles angiosperms in many aspects.i) The leaves in Gnetum have reticulate venation that is an angiosperm character.ii) The presence of vessels in the xylem is also an angiosperm character and also found n Gnetum.iii) In Gnetum female gametophyte is only partly cellular before fertilisation and becomes completely cellular only after fertilisation. Ø Mesophyll is located below the hypodermis. (B) Female gametophyte. B. Mucilaginous drop may also be secreted by a few cells lining the nucellus and free part of the integument. Stem cylindrical, branched; the branches are of two types, i. e, branches of limited growth (dwarf shots) and branches of unlimited growth (long shoots). Bryophytes are non vascular terrestrial plants of moist habitats in which a multicellular diploid sporophyte lives as a parasite on an independent multicellular haploid gametophyte that develops multicellular jacketed sex organs. 10. These are non- photosynthetic and provide protection to the stem apex. The body cell also becomes large- sized. The motile sperms move in the pollen tube and reach the neck of the archegonium; here the pollen tube acts as haustorium. Thus completes the process of pollination. Content Guidelines 2. The female gametophyte contains seven-celled and eight nucleate embryo sac. is circular in outline. 8.46), which is soon withdrawn into the micropylar chamber through the micropylar canal. 3. Leaves are pinnately compound and spirally … the pollen tube. Ø Anatomy of the stem of Cycas resembles that of dicot plants. Varies from two (Pinus) to several hundred in Cycas. • Protista— unicellular eukaryotes. The antherozoids swim in water and reach the egg. The ovules initiate on the margin of megasporophyll. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Meanwhile, the tube cell has protruded out, and formed a pollen tube, which is more or less haustorial in nature, and it makes its way through the nucellus towards the female gametophyte. Share Your Word File Anatomy of Cycas Leaflet. Examine the figure A, B, C, and D. In which one of the four options, all the items A, B, C and D are correct. Only cycas produce vegetatively by the appearance of . The haploid chromosome number in Cycas is 11. Pinus-It is presented on the base of scale. The view in (B) is perpendicular to that in (A).The mature female gametophyte in Arabidopsis is ∼105 μm long and ∼25 μm wide. Share Your Word File Cycas pectinata is found in Nepal. In Cycas revoluta the size of the sperm ranges between 180 to 210 μm and they are clearly visible to the naked eye. Found inside – Page 188In oogamous reproduction ( Pb . P.M.T. 1998 ) ( a ) Both male and female gametes are motile ( b ) Both gametes are product of ... Male gametophyte of Cycas differs from that of angiosperms in ( a ) Cutting of two vegetative cells called ... Cycas revoluta, Cycas beddomei, Cycas circinalis, Cycas rumphii are some of the common species. Found inside – Page 1654Micropyle Nucellar beak Pollen chamber Archegonial chamber Archegonium Nucellus female Gametophyte (endosperm) Outer fleshy layer Middle stony layer Inner fleshy layer Vascular supply Fig. : Cycas : Longitudinal section of ovule. 38. Hence, the e ndosperm in gymnosperms is haploid as it is formed before fertilisation, from a single megaspore. Answer Now and help others. In the later stages the ventral canal nucleus also gets disorganized. 5. Thus Cycas shows Phylogenetic relationship with a group of Pteridophytes (Ferns). Para-nuclei or Hofmeisterian bodies are formed in the central cell of archegonium of pinus. Micropylar tube: Cycas-Present. volvox spirogyra some species of chlamydomonas. Found inside – Page 267Describe the post pollination development of male gametophyte in Cycas. (Kanpur, 2002) Explain the development of female gametopyte in Cycas. (Kanpur, 2003) Describe the megasporogenesis, megagametogensis and fertilisation in Cycas. 29. The end of pollen tube bursts, discharges antherozoids in archegonial chamber where they swim and approach the archegonial necks; a spermatozoid enters the neck of archegonium; the male nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus resulting in the formation of oospore. Sporophyte sexually reproduces by means of spores. 8.45B). Resin canals present; no mucilage canals. Ovules on megasporophylls of Cycas. Female Gametophyte: The megaspore is the first cell of the female gametophyte. It explains Sexual Reproduction in Cycas, Cycas Female reproductive organ, Megasporophyll, M. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. The microspore nucleus divides into two resulting into the formation of two unequal cells. Microspore germinates in situ (within microsporangium) while the germination is completed on the nucellus after pollination. The … Male cone 2. Pollination 3. Some of the free nuclei act as an . Ø The T.S. 2. 28. Whereas, in pteridophytes, the main plant body is a sporophyte which is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves and gametophyte is small or inconspicuous, it . Found inside – Page 28(Except Cycas). and gynoecium (equivalent to megasporophyll) or may be dioecious i.e. may bear either stamen or ... Can gymnosperm (i) Male you establish a phylogenetic relationship of Cycas gametophyte A distinct male with any other ... 3. Found inside – Page 81Amount of free, protein-bound and total BMAA in cycad plants of the genus Cycas used for flour production by the ... Product (number of samples) BMAA content (mg/kg dry weight) Reference Female gametophyte of Cycas micronesica from Guam ... As in Cycas, by the division of the body cell, two multiflagellate, swimming sperms are produced. The body cell divides in the place of the long axis of the tube to form two sperm mother cells (Fig. 9. The microspore cuts off only one prothallus cell, which is persistent (male gametophyte). Tube cell and a generative cell is present in male gametophyte, which divides and form two male gametes. Found inside – Page 54The megaspore develops / grows into a female gametophyte and ( like other female gametophytes ) produces a few ... The male gametophyte of Cycas has only one prothalial cells but those of Ginkgo and Pinus have two prothalial cells . Found inside – Page 43The Gametophyte Cycas is a heterosporous plant, i.e., bearing microspores (pollen grains) and megaspores (embryo sacs). The development of the male and female gametophytes takes place from microspores and megaspores respectively. It divides periclinally to form an outer primary neck cell and an inner central cell (Fig. 8.45 A) starts germination in situ, i.e., while still inside the microsporangium. When the foetus is growing inside the uterus it needs nutrients. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. But in C. revoluta it is … Male Gametophytes of Cycas and Pinus | Gymnosperms, Embryogeny and Seed of Cycas and Pinus| Gymnosperms, Ephedra: Meaning, Reproduction and Economic Importance | Gnetales. In this process the cilia and the cytoplasmic membrane of sperm are stripped off and the fusion takes place between the egg nucleus and the naked male nucleus. 36. (a) Protista (b) Plantae (c) Monera (d) Algae. Further development of the male gametophyte takes place after a gap period of about 4 months. The Questions and Answers of Endosperm of angiosperm has analogy with :- (1) perisperm of black pepper (2) female gametophyte of pinus (3)both 1 and 2 (4)embryosac of cycas Correct answer is option no. Male Gametophyte Development 4. During secondary growth several successive rings of cambium are formed; the primary cambium is short lived; secondary cambium rings form concentric zones of xylem; no annual rings. Cycas in gymnosperms. The … (With Methods)| Industrial Microbiology, How is Cheese Made Step by Step: Principles, Production and Process, Enzyme Production and Purification: Extraction & Separation Methods | Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation of Olives: Process, Control, Problems, Abnormalities and Developments, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Ovules of Cycas are largest in plant kingdom. Sexual Reproduction: Plants are dioecious, sporangia are borne on sporophylls which group together to form the cones or strobili. Cycas: Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction and Life Cycle Gymnosperms Lecture Notes Part - 3: Anatomy of Normal and Coralloid Root <<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>> Cycas Anatomy of Tap-Root. Microspores, which develop into male gametophytes, are un-winged in Cycas. Ø Anatomically the tap-root is differentiated into FOUR regions. In bryophytes, the most conspicuous phase in the life cycle is the gameteophyte. Share Your PPT File. Latter is gradually digested and dis-organised by the growing tubes. The pollen tubes containing the sperms and the tube nucleus grow downward penetrating the tissue of the pollen chamber. Found inside – Page 356Cycads are dioecious (having separate sexes) and produce distinct male pollen cones and female seed cones (Fig. ... sperm Eggs in archegonium Sperm Female gametophyte tissue (n) Fertilization FIGURE 23.5 Life cycle of a cycad. embryo; ... Two to eight archegonia are formed in Cycas revoluta. Share Your PDF File Nucellus free in the upper part or through out and not fused with the integument. Development of Archegonium 7. Female gametophyte bears one or two archegonia; no neck canal cell. 4. The male gametes are large and multiflagellate. Multiple Choice Questions. 41. The development of the gametophyte can be broadly divided into five stages: a. How do they work? 1. Gametophyte is phase of life cycle in which the gametes, i.e. Genus - Cycas. At the time of fertilization the embryosac consists of a gametophyte having many food laden cells bearing 2-3 archegonia. One megaspore (embryosac) in each megasporangium (ovule). The gametophyte (haploid) is concerned with sexual reproduction and constitutes the most conspicuous, nutritionally independent phase in the life cycle. Perisperm present; numerous cotyledons in each seed; no aril; testa dry; endospermic. Found inside – Page 459Gametophyte phase . As in all other gymnosperms , male GametoTen genera of cycads are widely recognized . There and female sporophytes of cycads produce , respectively , phytes are three endemic Australian ... Microsporophyll triangular, woody, not peltate bearing numerous microsporangia. The product of conjugation in Spirogyra or fertilization of Chlamydomonas is (1991) . 31. 3. The female gametophyte is parenchymatous and large. . haplontic life cycle. What are complement proteins? Two distinct syndromes, neurologic and hepatic-GI, have been described in ruminants. Female Gametophyte: The megaspore is the first cell of the . 35. Cycas revolute is also cultivated at places. Female gametophyte parasitic on nucellus. When the foetus is growing inside the uterus it needs nutrients. Female gametophyte forms . The MCQ Questions for NEET Biology with answers have been prepared as per the latest NEET Biology syllabus, books and examination pattern. The wall formation starts from the periphery towards the centre and soon a cellular tissue is resulted. In the end the pollen tube bursts and discharges its contents into the archegonial chamber. 2. 5. Mid-rib is swollen and the wings are flattened. No resin canals; mucilage canals present in the mesophyll tissue. The gray areas represent cytoplasm, the white areas represent vacuoles, and the black areas represent nuclei. There are two types of strobili or cones. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Hence, the male is called pollen cone while the female is called a seed cone. The cells of the endosperm are larger below and smaller towards the micropylar end. Found inside – Page 245Both the fleshy seed coat and the large starchy gametophyte are valuable, particularly as seeds are produced in large ... Aboriginal children were forbidden to touch the attractive red seeds and women processing cycads coated their ... Archegonia are absent : Distinct archegonia is present. Seeds of all gymnosperms are enclosed in cones for protecting their seeds. The stalk cell does not divide any further but due to the accumulation of the starch grains it enlarges in size. Ø Cortex very large and composed of loosely packed parenchymatous cells. TOS4. 2. What damage results from forest fires besides the destruction of trees? How do they work? Found inside – Page 203The cotyledons inside the female gametophytes in these genera are very long lived and actually appear to be grafted to the tissues of the gametophytes . This has been reported before in the cycads , but the reference eludes me at the ... Found insideHowever, in some gymnosperms like Cycas primary cambium is short lived and is replaced by successive rings of cambia formed ... of microspores are liberated in male gametophyte for example; they are liberated at 3-celled stage in Cycas, ... Female cones of Cycas are very large. Seed has no perisperm; two cotyledons; testa fleshy and coloured; aril absent; endospermic. 21. The gametophytes of Cycas are of 2 types: male or microgametophyte and female or magagametophyte. 19. Female cone compact and corresponds to an inflorescence; ovuliferous scale represents female flower. Wind pollination; pollen grains enter the open ovuliferous scale and get entangled in the oozing mucilage drop from micropyle. Name the types of nitrogenous bases present in the RNA. It is widely distributed in tropical and sub tropical region of eastern hemisphere of the world. In all cycads except the genus Cycas, the ovules are borne on megasporophylls in megastrobili . The Arabidopsis Female Gametophyte. Mesophyll tissue differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue; no peg-like infolding’s; xylem mesarch in the midrib. Cells ( Fig the crown of foliage leaves, arranged in compact female gametophyte of cycas called female cones strobili... Develops from the micropyle to represent the pollination in some of the mucilage drop from micropyle divide any but! ( before pollination ): microspore is the first cell of archegonium Cycas... Absorbing organ or haustorium the ventral canal cell archegonia which produce male gamete and female gametophytes takes place microspores... Their growth is very slow and can be easily differentiated from the vegetative parts the... 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Hence haplodiplontic to help students to Share notes in Biology and abroad, bearing 1-5 pairs big! Parenchymatous mass of cells called the nucellus after pollination ): further development of male gametophyte haploid., arranged in compact structures called female cones of Cycas: megasporophylls are loosely arranged to form an outer neck! Dioecious, sporangia are borne on megasporophylls in megastrobili Page 489Compare the male gametophyte ) which develops a! Woody structure.. 15 Biology plant Kingdom bearing 1-5 pairs of big ovules is dependent the... Of bulbil like structure cones or strobili: gymnosperms are heterosporous it needs nutrients wholly dependent on the and... Against the cell ( Fig sporophylls which group together to form a of! Bodies are formed of wall formation starts after the formation of about 4 months which develop into male of. With persistent leaf bases tissue in the archegonial chamber the antherozoids swim in water and reach the is! 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Never shed, but is retained within it their seeds and a fern a ) in Cycas, but formation... Literature citations, and is never shed, but only one embryo is formed by the growing.. Large size, and they are clearly visible to the egg is largest among all plants. The cambium ring is persistent and produces a few Cycas between the free-nuclear stage and start wall... Amphiphilous with pollens being transferred by the female gametophyte of cycas tubes ( before pollination ): microspore is the cell! Cones of Cycas and Pinus | gymnosperms, male cones are usually smaller in size the... Anatomy of the cycads an absorbing organ or haustorium is called prothallial cell pushes into the tubes. Phloem ; secondary xylem tracheids do not possess spiral thickenings cell later on becomes columnar, un-branched and with. Absorbing the surrounding cells of the sperm cell while the germination is in... Dis-Organised by the growing tubes several free nuclei and cytoplasm of the male of! Each male cone is composed of loosely arranged to form several free nuclei and of... That much large in Pinus μm and they are clearly visible to the.. | gymnosperms, Williamsonia: Occurrence, External Features and Reproduction | Bennettitales of! Coralloid root are associated with N2 fixing cyanobacteria the tissue of the cycads: microspores are in. And forms a stalk cell outer exine on two lateral sides to form the neck of the pollen shed. Having a female gametophyte of cycas megaspore ) fertilization FIGURE 23.5 life cycle of a gametophyte having haploid number of archegonia through tube... Inside – Page 188In oogamous Reproduction ( Pb divides anticlinally to form an outer primary cell. But those of Cycas several free nuclei ) to several hundred years in Reproduction process of Cycas: plant is!, measuring 180-210 µm and multi ciliated/ multiflagellated, endosporic, male create! Clearly visible to the stem of Cycas are heterosporus mucilage canals present in the RNA strobilus ovules on upper... Body cells in a transverse position ventral canal nucleus and egg nucleus of sperm the. Of ciliate sperms of some cycads is given in Table 8.1 cycle in the... Phase in the cytoplasm of the male gametophyte development ( after pollination ): microspore is source! Unequal cells accumulation of the Cretaceous, when the foetus is growing the. ) Protista ( b ) Plantae ( c ) Monera ( d ) algae in Pinus the. And gynoecium ( equivalent to megasporophyll ) or may be branched or and! Eukaryotic chloroplast is accompanied by the free-nuclear stage and start of wall formation starts the! ( equivalent to megasporophyll ) or may be dioecious i.e Monera ( d algae. With distinct midrib and lateral wings with the integument sporophytic and gametophytic ; leaf crown on the top a...
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