Currently, so-called "inert" ingredients - which make up as much as 99-percent of many over-the-counter pesticides - are kept secret and are not listed on product labels. 0000008817 00000 n The inert ingredients are added to pesticides to aid in mixing and to enhance the products’ ability to stick to plant leaves, among other purposes. In this final rule, EPA Inerts List 1 and 2 are prohibited, EPA List 3 is also prohibited unless Toxic chemicals are used as inert ingredients in pesticide products. The need is most pressing, as stated nearly 30-years ago in the 1993 NAS report, in preventing harm to pregnant women, infants and children, as well as those most heavily exposed because they apply pesticides or live near farm fields or other places that are heavily sprayed. It concluded that prenatal chlorpyrifos exposures were likely disrupting children's neurodevelopment at extraordinarily low levels of exposure -- more than 1,000-fold lower than the levels of chlorpyrifos exposure that the EPA previously thought were safe. - Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Pesticide Inert Ingredients estimated at … All Rights Reserved. Kerosene, water, and emulsifiers are examples. Hundreds of the 2,300 "inert" ingredients registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are known to be harmful to human health. Upholding the Trump Administration's rejection of that health assessment will be a slap in the face of the dozens of EPA staff scientists who had contended with and responded to a near-endless flurry of Dow challenges, regurgitation of flawed industry studies and other well-financed diversionary tactics. 1. The EPA even offers this explanation of the dangers of inert ingredients on a page on its website called The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality: “In addition to the active ingredient, pesticides are also made up of ingredients that are used to carry the active agent. Better decisions depend on severing the roots of these problems. Inerts of unknown toxicity (List 3). A latest Pesticide Inert Ingredients Market report focuses on entire sales and volume, production and consumption, profit margins, competitive landscape, in … 6 Billion by 2027. This is why our commentary calls for a simple fix -- Congress needs to amend federal law to direct the EPA to accurately and fully disclose on pesticide labels and in chemical safety data sheets all the chemicals and their concentrations in the pesticides people apply and to which the public is exposed. For an inert ingredient to be included in a food-use pesticide product, a tolerance exemption must be established in the appropriate section of 40 CFR 180 subpart D. InertFinder provides current information on tolerances and tolerance exemptions for inert ingredients. Because of concern that some inert ingredients might also cause adverse effects to humans and the environment, EPA outlined its strategy for regulating inert ingredients in 1987. Former Undisclosed Ingredients in Pesticides Products Found in Fish, Birds, and Dolphins. Found insideBased on a conference, this book is intended to promote a better understanding of the effects of adjuvants on pesticide penetration, translocation, photodegradation and stability, spray deposition and dissipation, and the fate of herbicides ... Pre-Application Meeting. US EPA List of Inert Pesticide Ingredients Author: US EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs Subject: List 2 - Potentially Toxic Inert Ingredients/High Priority for Testing Inerts Keywords: inerts,chemical,pesticide, toxic,registration,register,ingredient Created Date: 10/1/2003 7:21:29 PM Researchers in France have recently released a report that found that Roundup’s inert ingredients worsened the toxic effect of glyphosphate on human cells, even at levels much lower than those used on farms and lawns. But first, some background is helpful explaining the unique role this insecticide has played in stress-testing the EPA's pesticide regulatory process over the last 30 years. Call 1.888.777.1776. The percentage of total inert ingredient(s) (which can range from 0 to 99.9%) is listed on the product label. Examples of inert ingredients include emulsifiers, solvents, carriers, aerosol propellants, fragrances and dyes. Dr. Charles Benbrook is the executive director of the Heartland Health Research Alliance. New science was also prominently featured in litigation pursued by a coalition of environmental, farmworker and health organizations. A significant proportion of typical pesticide formulations are inert ingredients. Inert ingredients serve a variety of functions in pesticide formulations, acting as solvents, surfactants, or preservatives, among many other functions (U.S. EPA 2002, 2005a). Applicants must provide the inert ingredient name, CAS#, supplier, and percent by weight in … Our commentary focuses on one other consequential problem with pesticide regulation: In a rewrite of federal pesticide law in 1972, Congress classified the chemical details of pesticide formulas as "Confidential Business Information" not subject to public disclosure. Some inert ingredients may be toxic or hazardous to people. The other side has already lawyered-up. Copyright © 2021 Alexander Law Group, LLP. Lifespan is also affected by pesticide exposure; in some cases treated bees live only a few days, rather than their normal 6-week lifespan during the foraging season. EPA Inert (other) Ingredients in Pesticide Products . Active ingredients are the chemicals that are actually ef-fective against the pest. Please call and set up a Zoom meeting with our attorneys. In 1987, approximately 1,200 inert ingredients found in pesticides were placed into four toxicity categories: 1. 3500San Francisco, CA 94104, Phone: 415-921-1776Toll Free: 888-777-1776, 303 Twin Dolphin Dr., 6th FloorRedwood City, CA 94065, Phone: 650-551-9900Toll Free: 888-777-1776. EPA Inert (other) Ingredients in Pesticide Products . But some "other ingredients" are toxic, and some are even more toxic than the active ingredients in formulated products. Describes more than 800 currently available agricultural chemical products covering a wide variety of uses. Will this odd rite of passage end any time soon? Despite benzene’s status as a confirmed carcinogen, the EPA has always allowed pesticide makers to include it and hundreds of other toxic ingredients in their products without listing them on the label. InertFinder is an online database for searching substances used as inert ingredients in pesticide products. 0000009050 00000 n Regulators need better data, new tools and more accurate risk assessments based on real-world conditions to reliably identify and avoid high-risk pesticide uses. No. But this is not a new phenomenon. An active ingredient is one that prevents, destroys, repels or mitigates a pest, or is a plant regulator, defoliant, desiccant or nitrogen stabilizer. In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) assessment and regulation process for the health and environmental effects of pesticides. But the new science that most dramatically altered the EPA's assessment of chlorpyrifos neurodevelopmental risk came from three epidemiologic studies published by teams from the University of California-Berkeley, Columbia University and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. example, acetic acid and corn cob are not permitted as active ingredients. How Can I Find Out What Other Ingredients Are in My Pesticide Product? 2 There are means to determine the inert ingredients con-tained in a pesticide product. The "other ingredients" listed on pesticide labels are mixed into the products sold to farmers and other pest managers to enhance pesticide performance. 0000002806 00000 n Controversy in the wake of this outcome intensified scientific focus on chlorpyrifos. Pesticide labels must list their active ingredients, which are the ones that actually kill the bugs, but everything else falls under the heading of “inert” or “other” ingredients, even though many of those unlisted ingredients are more toxic than the active ingredients. 0000000709 00000 n Sometimes, manufacturers will release the inert ingredient’s identity, although it is not specified on the product’s ingredient statement on the label. The capacity of chlorpyrifos to dodge the consequences of new science is not an isolated incident in the world of pesticide regulation. Pesticide products contain "active" and "inert" ingredients. Science heals only when heeded. Pesticide manufacturers and the EPA have identified more than 370 commonly used hazardous inert ingredients, including several known and suspected carcinogens, chemicals that cause reproductive and neurological disorders, and 96 potentially toxic chemicals classified as "high priority for testing," according to the complaint. GAO noted that: (1) EPA has not carried out its congressional mandate to completely reassess the risks of all registered pesticides; (2) until EPA completes its reassessment, it cannot ensure that the public and the environment are ... The compounds, perfluroalkyl phosphinic acids (PFPIAs), were widely used … Inert ingredients are any substances other than the active ingredient that are intentionally included in a pesticide product. Such levels are just one of several parameters driving pesticide exposures. The inert ingredient is the substance intended to kill or repel the target pest. Guaranteed confidential. The role of active ingredients is to kill the insects. To determine whether you or your business may be affected by this action, you should carefully examine section 408(p) of FFD… In the 50 years since, farmers, doctors treating people exposed to pesticides and scientists not working for the EPA or a pesticide registrant have tried to understand and prevent harm, and treat poisoning victims, without knowing the chemicals to which people are exposed. Pesticide Formulations – Chapter 4 List general characteristics of a pesticide that make it usable Define: Active Ingredient, Inert Ingredient, Formulation Know the difference between: trade name, common name, vs chemical name, and where to find them on the label How/Why products with the same a.i. In the 1970s and 1980s researchers clearly established that feeding pigs and chickens low-levels of antibiotics to promote faster growth was creating new antibiotic-resistant bacteria. How can something be both inert and toxic? Delay can result in the permanent loss of personal injury rights. Reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a major role in the formation of photochemical oxidants in the atmosphere by reacting with oxides of nitrogen and solar ultraviolet energy producing ozone, which is a criteria pollutant ... In the next two decades hundreds more animal studies would confirm the link between low-level, prenatal exposures to chlorpyrifos and altered brain development in young animals. 0000002282 00000 n The chemicals used as "inerts" include many that EPA has officially determined, under other statutory programs, to be hazardous or toxic. 0000001841 00000 n Active ingredients are the chemicals in a pesticide product that act to control the pests. The remainder of a formulated pesticide product consists of one or more inert ingredients, such as water and solvents. It now calls them “Other Ingredients.” The label doesn’t say exactly what they are, but scientists have been able to identify them. Pesticide products contain both "active" and "inert" ingredients. Willful disregard of science is often good for business. Benzene is toxic to bone, blood, and the Central Nervous System, and it’s something that should never be a hidden ingredient in any sort of product. Dr. Phil Landrigan is the founding director of Boston College's Program in Global Public Health and the Common Good, and serves as the chair of the Heartland Health Research Alliance's Science Advisory Board. Envi- cides should be limited and use of safer, target species spe- ron Health Perspect 114:1803–1806. When these toxic “inert” ingredients are used in other types of products, the manufacturers must disclose their presence and their hazards. 0000008288 00000 n Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether: 2-Ethylhexanol: Cosolvent, defoamer, solvent for all pesticides used before crop emerges from soil and in herbicides before or after crop emerges Europic chloride: 10 ppm in formulation: Tagging agent FD&C Blue No. sists of the active ingredient(s) and the inert ingredient(s). In addition, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) requires that inert ingredients in pesticide products used on food and feed crops, agricultural commodities, or livestock must have a tolerance or tolerance exemption under 40 CFR Part 180. In a survey of over 200 common household products in retail stores in Oregon, the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP 2006b) found that these products contained on average 86% inert ingredients. The system does not include information about ingredients in individual pesticide products. All information is confidential and remains with us. 0000003470 00000 n Both in our personal lives and as a society, the consequences of dismissing warnings from science versus heeding them have been driven home by the Covid pandemic. inert ingredients in formulated pesticide products used as production inputs in organic crop or livestock operations. A default to the Trump EPA position ignores nearly two decades of new science and sends a chilling message to the research community: "Your science doesn't matter.". Inert ingredients are mixed into pesticides products as a carrier or sticking agent, and are often as toxic as the active ingredient. Few examples show this as clearly as the Environmental Protection Agency's checkered history in protecting the public from adverse health and environmental impacts triggered by EPA-approved uses of pesticides. Under FIFRA only active ingredients must be named on pesticide product labels. Routine registrant tactics include manipulation of study designs, questionable statistical analyses, and bogus explanations of why adverse impacts observed in animal studies are "not treatment related.". US EPA List of Inert Pesticide Ingredients Author: US EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs Subject: List 2 - Potentially Toxic Inert Ingredients/High Priority for Testing Inerts Keywords: inerts,chemical,pesticide, toxic,registration,register,ingredient Created Date: 10/1/2003 7:21:29 PM in 40 CFR 180.950(a), (b), and (c) may be used as inert ingredients in FIFRA Section 25(b) pesticide products applied to food use sites (e.g., food crops, animals used for food) and in FIFRA Section 25(b) pesticide products applied to nonfood use sites (e.g., ornamental plants, highway right-of-ways, rodent control). Too much plastic is ending up in the ocean — and making its way back onto our dinner plates. Despite their name, these ingredients are neither chemically, biologically or toxicologically inert. Don’t put it off. Whereas SLS, PB, and 1-NA can enhance pesticide absorption, DEET can reduce absorption. EPA is revising its regulations to more clearly describe the active and inert ingredients permitted in products eligible for the minimum risk pesticide exemption (40 CFR 152.25(f)). This book presents an in depth study of different aspects of pesticide use in food production. Second, we must redirect existing resources to more accurate and timely measurements of pesticide levels in people. Title: keepingsecrets Author: PUR Subject: keepingsecrets Created Date: 10/29/1999 3:00:22 PM San Jose, CA Personal Injury Attorneys | Accident, Car, Product Injuries. InertFinder is searchable by chemical name or CAS Registry Number, and provides information on the approval status of substances used as inert ingredients for use in food use, nonfood use and fragrance use pesticide products. or similar trade names may differ Distinguish between solution, suspension, emulsion Our evaluation is free, and we will make a difference for you. Currently, so-called "inert" ingredients - which make up as much as 99% of many common pesticides, are kept secret and are not listed on the pesticide labels. This is like searching for a needle in a haystack with leather gloves on. The same patterns evident in the history of chlorpyrifos regulation are evident in the case of other pesticides. 700San Jose, CA 95113, Phone: 408-289-1776Toll Free: 888-777-1776, 1 Sansome St., Ste. 0000002728 00000 n 0000004149 00000 n These comments have been addressed in a document, entitled Reponse to Comments on the Draft List of Initial Pesticide Active Ingredients and Pesticide Inert Ingredients to be Screened under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Ref. He has served as an expert witness in pesticide litigation, including an ongoing case involving chlorpyrifos. 485 0 obj <>stream Potentially toxic inerts/high priority for testing (List 2). SUBSCRIBE TO EHN'S MUST-READ DAILY NEWSLETTER: ABOVE THE FOLD, a commentary exposing systemic problems with pesticide use, The EPA isn't taking its own advice on a pesticide that causes brain ... ›, U.S. EPA's chlorpyrifos decision spurs pushback ›, Global study: Wildfire smoke kills people in cities far from fires, LISTEN: Tatiana Height on the importance of cultural perspectives in environmental education, Exposure to air pollution below legal limits still linked to premature deaths, Peter Dykstra: Start spreadin’ the (climate) news. Pesticides are made up of two types of ingredients — active and inert. Other ingredients may increase shelf-life, attract the pest, or spread the product more evenly on … The rest of the product is com-posed of an inert ingredient(s). Called “inert ingredients” by the federal law, they are combined with active ingredients to make a Chemicals previously used as inert ingredients in pesticide formulations have been detected in a wide range of North American wildlife species, according to research published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. This action is directed to the public in general. Climate change opened on Broadway this week: Will it make a difference? They are added to dilute the pesticide or to make it safer, more effective, and easier to measure, mix, apply, and handle. Pesticide inert ingredients include bio-based and synthetic substances that stabilize the pesticide product and extend its shelf life. Third, pesticide regulators should place greater weight on new scientific tools that are rapidly uncovering the mechanisms through which pesticides can cause adverse human health and environmental outcomes. It helps the reader understand the strategies and … Because of that negligence, pesticide manufacturers have knowingly included dangerous and deadly “inert” ingredients in their products, and many Americans have suffered from exposure to these supposedly harmless substances. Your feedback might help other people in urgent need of professional legal assistance. [+] More Take for example the efforts by the EPA to curtail risks arising from exposures to chlorpyrifos. The pragmatic steps and policy changes in our commentary are necessary in building the capacity of the scientific community and regulators to mitigate high-risk pesticide uses harming people. InertFinderallows users to search for inert ingredients by chemical name and CAS Reg. An inert ingredient is any substance or group of similar substances other than an active ingredient that is intentionally included in a pesticide product by its manufacturer. Pesticide inert ingredient as a solvent, stabilizer and/or antifreeze. Making sure students feel empowered to make change in their communities.". Science is moving fast, but regulatory test requirements and EPA risk assessment methods are stuck with test protocols and data requirements that were not even cutting-edge in the 1980s. 0000007525 00000 n Dow agreed to not contest EPA cancellation of nearly all home and residential uses, and the EPA agreed to preserve most of the agricultural uses of chlorpyrifos. - Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Pesticide Inert Ingredients estimated at US$3. On December 23, 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) aimed at greater disclosure of inert ingredient identities in pesticides, Public Availability of Identities of Inert Ingredients in Pesticides, 74 Fed. Other ingredients may increase shelf-life, attract the pest, or spread the product more evenly on surfaces (surfactants). 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