However, Anakin's standing orders and “first priority” from when he and Padme were on Tatooine were to protect the senator at all costs: Mace: [to Anakin] Anakin, we will deal with Count Dooku; the most important thing for you is to stay where you are. "Yeah, BD might be rare, but he's only an exploration droid. Palpatine's master for a lot of his young life was … 5 Luke Skywalker. Description: This is the anticipated sequel to "What if Anakin didn't dew it? Palpatine finds and disposes of his pawns as required. Kill him. Obi wan: don’t … Anakin Skywalker couldn’t, either. Obi-Wan : Don't try it. He was ready to kill him. He's already on his path, regardless of whether he executes Dooku or not. Like when Anakin killed Dooku. First off, Anakin did not kill her. Mar 2, 2021. Pinterest. View Quote Anakin Skywalker: I sense Count Dooku. This contributed to his turn to the dark side. 2,115. #45 to #43 - vegeta . Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy! I guess Palpatine would lightning him to death or something. vera gasped. Feeling lucky he force pushes all of his chips to the centre of the table. Found insideAs the Clone Wars rage, Jedi Master Yoda must once again face one of his greatest adversaries: Count Dooku. Found inside – Page 94He couldn't lie to the Chancellor, but telling him the truth would only make matters worse. We're on the same side! We should be working together. But Palpatine nodded, as if Anakin had spoken aloud. ... when I killed Count Dooku? That or Dooku would reconsider his allegiance... or maybe both would happen. It was an excuse to get Skywalker and Dooku to face off one last time. "No". And remember from the book, even though Dooku started out by taking it easy on Anakin, that didn’t last long because Anakin was better than Dooku. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. August 11th 2019, 3:09 am. I totally forgot about this. At that point, Anakin already defeated Dooku, brutally, and had his first taste of the Dark Side. dooku dies semi-mysteriously later on, after being broken out of custody. Though Dooku, as refined as he was, wasn’t fairing much better. Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise.. Tweet. Dooku knows that he has been betrayed by his former master, but this is the way of the sith. James Dean as Anakin Skywalker (generated by AI), James Earl Jones reading Anakin Skywalker lines from the Prequel Trilogy, I actually respect "Somehow, Palpatine returned", Knights of The Old Republic remake teaser trailer released, Kevin Smith on The Last Jedi (spoilers!!!). 8 Rey. He sees Anakin's potential as a Sith Lord, and a living Dooku may expose his double identity. Vera shouted trying to get through to anakin. What if Anakin Skywalker didn't kill the Younglings after all? Naruto woke up in a cell tied to Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku with an energy tether. In an attempt to prevent The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from being published, Mace attempted to commit treason and kill Sheev. He may have done so later, but Palpatine would have him removed sooner than that. An insider's tour of the making of the latest Star Wars film provides photographs from the Lucasfilm archives, portraits of its actors and creators, and a behind-the-scenes look at everything from set designs to character development to ... Palpatine, being the brilliant puppermaster he is, engineers a situation to dispose of Dooku. ** Use in-universe knowledge, rules, and common sense to answer the questions. Anger comes from the Dark Side, only the Dark Side can restore a life, and it was Anakin, in his anger, that killed Padmé. Unless they have some serious proof Palpatine was Sith that they can show the Senate Order 66 may happen anyway. Re: Anakin and Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul and Dooku. He can’t count on Anakin’s loyalty or friendship; in fact, Dooku can only count on Anakin’s determined loyalty to a fallen Palpatine. He shouldn’t have, but he did. Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars) Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side; Summary. Either Count Dooku spills the beans, or Palpatine kills him before he can. There wouldn’t be much of a way to silence Dooku on the ship without giv... In fact, Watto won them in a wager on a podracing game. "Anakin, WAIT! Palpatine would realize that he still has work to do with Anakin….. the key is Dooku….. after Dooku hears Sideous instruct Anakin to kill him after... Maul’s whole plan was to kill Anakin, so that Sidious plan would be foiled. At that point, Anakin already defeated Dooku, brutally, and had his first taste of the Dark Side. Anakin Skywalker : You underestimate my power! Both men are removed from the battle without killing, and Dooku does not pursue the matter for a simple reason - they are no longer a threat to him. He probably would have told him everything #anakin #didnt #dooku #everything #kill. Dooku had time to gasp out, "Non! Anakin began to feel as low he couldn’t trust Obi-Wan before Revenge of the Sith. Wait, didn't Count Dooku know Palpatine secret? Does troubled young Skywalker kill Dooku out of anger? Obi-wan shouted. You are the best choice, by far. Depends on where his head is at; but I think if he outed Palpatine as a Sith Lord, Qui-Gon might verify for them. As the Sith gasped in pain, Anakin called Dooku's lightsaber to his hand and placed the sabers in a v angle, and placed them in front of the count's neck. For every blade he seemed to destroy, his foe simply summoned another within the blink of an eye. Don't Do It Anakin. One of the things that bugs me about Obi-Wan vs Anakin in Episode III is that Obi-Wan in the end clearly had him at his mercy but didn't finish him off, which in the long run made things worse. This is not the Jedi Way. TL;DR: Dooku wouldn't talk immediately out of loyalty, but would be disposed of before he could change his mind. Grievous would remain alive a bit longer, but he still dies. I didn't answer. ... Dooku couldn’t resist the dark side. "Because it's not how the jedi do things". "I don't know about that". "I know but I can't leave her." He was pretty sure Anakin would side with him at the last moment, but he wasn't 100% certain. "So tell me Anakin why didn't you kill this Dooku". His Initial Fall. Adding Yoda would just be overkill. except he is no match for palpatine because palpatine has the entire galaxy at his disposal. Filled with revelations about the origins and making of American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Return of the Jedi, this only full-length biography of filmmaker and cinematic visionary George ... Before the onset of the Clone Wars, a group of explorers consisting of six Jedi Masters, twelve Jedi Knights, and a fifty-thousand-member crew set out on a mission to search for intelligent life outside the known galaxy. In the brief period where Dooku is a living prisoner, he likely uses the Force to mentally disable Dooku, as to not expose his identity. I always assumed, from his sudden "resurgence" of Force lightening once Anakin acts in his favour, that Sideous was never in as much danger as he appeared. By Michael Messinger, January 5, 2018 at 6:03 am A long time ago in a galaxy very far away some terrible things happened. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: If … Jedi brutality needs to stop! When Ex-Jedi Ferus Olin is imprisoned by the Empire for trying to save the Jedi Order, he is determined to escape and journey to the planet of Naboo, where a secret vital to the Jedi survival is being kept. Thread starter. "You will be expelled from the jedi order!" When Anakin stops Windu from killing Palpatine, Anakin says Palpatine should stand trial, something he didn't let Dooku have. Probably because, as he describes a similar situation later in the film, “It’s not the Jedi way!”. I don't know if Palpatine planned his encounter with Windu to go the way it did as a plan to turn Anakin, or if Windu truly did overpower the Emperor in that moment and had him at his mercy. Without Anakin, Dooku will still be needed. Episode 1". The first is his chioce to kill Dooku, and he does it, and then it is his choice either to kill Mace, or Palpatine. It would have ended right there and 18 years of Tyranny and Darkness would have been averted. Once the Jedi Knight and former apprentice of Jedi Master Yoda and Master of Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku fell to the Dark Side, becoming the second apprentice of Darth Sidious and head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Maul. Reply +3 [-] And Anakin didn't even kill Dooku in combat. Would've made an exciting extra episode tho,the Jedi escaping from the Republic and fighting back. Star Wars' most popular character headlines this in-depth biography, filled with illustrations, artifacts, and fast facts -- part of the Backstories series of favorite character biographies. He didn't have the jump. Anakin would have eventually either had to die or win for the fight to truly end here as seeing Palpatine strike down Obi Wan would have had the opposite effect on Anakin from what Palpy would have wanted. Praise for Lords of the Sith “A compelling tale [that] gives us new insight into the relationship between Darth Vader and his master, Emperor Palpatine.”—New York Daily News “Endlessly fascinating . . . a tale [that is] not just ... "Have they made you a master yet". "I don't care put the ship down." The Emperor, aka the galaxy's greatest villain Sarth Didious, wanted to leave Anakin to burn to death on Mustafar. Reply +3 [-] And Anakin didn't even kill Dooku in combat. "With your skill why not". Palpatine pushes Anakin to kill Dooku. Reply +1 [-] Sith lives matter! Anakin catches Dooku's lightsabre and ignites it and puts both lightsabres to his neck] Good, Anakin, good. In this essential Star Wars Legends novel, the second in the Darth Bane trilogy, the fearsome Sith lord takes on a deadly new apprentice. Shortly after this, Dooku went unconscious. Lord Simus. The extra lightsaber is just gravy. Star Wars: Fascinating Facts is a compendium of hundreds of little-known facts about all nine episodes in the Skywalker Saga—from behind-the-scenes on-set tidbits to stories about how the tale of Star Wars was created. Kill him. Shmi and Anakin's previous slave owner was Gardulla the Hutt. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years! #45 to #43 - vegeta . Found inside – Page 425“Don't fear what you're feeling, Anakin, use it! ... Kill him!” Dooku thought blankly, Kill me? He and Skywalker paused for one single, final instant, blades locked together, ... Didn't he understand the advice he'd just given? If Darth Plagueis Saw Palpatine's Betrayal Coming? They'd keep him, since he's another mega prodigy. Was Mace Windu really going to kill him despite the law that criminals have to stand trial? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And remember from the book, even though Dooku started out by taking it easy on Anakin, that didn’t last long because Anakin was better than Dooku. Doesn't matter. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community, **It's like Ask Science, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself. As it is, Dooku only turned to face them since they were delaying his escape. The jedi must rescue Qui-Gon Jinn from Jenna Zan Arbor, who will do anything to learn the secret of the force. As we discuss industry-wide workplace abuse, please consider donating to one of these charities . They’ve played a number of rounds until Anakin has built up quite a big pile of chips. In this case, I think Palpatine will just want Anna dead and out of … Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord!" The Battle of Mindor, where the forces of the New Republic, led by Luke Skywalker, take on the Black Stormtroopers, led by Lord Shadowspawn, self-styled new Emperor of the galaxy. Palpatine would engineer a situation where he either gets killed or permanently exiled- the intention being never letting him spill his guts to anyone important. Doesn't matter. Well then, I'll return the favor.' He had the same suprise the other Masters did. Found insideIn this essential Star Wars Legends novel, Mace Windu must journey to his long-forgotten homeworld to confront a terrifying mystery with dire personal consequences. My opinion is that Palpatine would probably then have killed Anakin (because there was a hint at that moment that Palpatine was a Sith, and Anakin... He's technically forbidden from interfering, but if someone spills the beans then I think force ghosts are allowed to fact check. Anakin also cuts off Dooku's arms just as Dooku previously cut off Anakin's arm. This is actually very good what if. So story Time!!!! Anakin skywalker watched dooku below him Two lightsabers on counts throat. Anakin thought abo... Found insideIn the first half of a two-volume story, the New Republic's efforts to forge peace with the Empire is thwarted by a cabal of warlords led by the notorious, and reputedly dead, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Reprint. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community, **It's like Ask Science, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself. He genuinely felt that Anakin was the only Jedi powerful enough to stop him, so he had to get him on side or killed before he executed his master stroke. "Screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan & J.J. Abrams and Michael Arndt; based on characters created by George Lucas." >.>. If Anakin killed Palpatine, it wouldn’t have been honorable. Time before he could reveal any significant information * use in-universe knowledge, rules, and Palpatine to. Has the entire galaxy at his disposal a guardian of justice and a in! 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